Category: Uncategorized

New and Relevant Evidence? How to adequately support your VA Supplemental Claim

New and Relevant Evidence? How to adequately support your VA Supplemental Claim New and Relevant Evidence? How to adequately support your VA Supplemental Claim New and Relevant Evidence Pic

The new VA Appeals Modernization Act, which went into effect on February 19, 2019 replaced the old “Reconsideration” or “Re-Opening” of a previously adjudicated claim with something called the VA Supplemental Claim, aka, Option #2, the Supplemental Claim Lane in the new VA appeals process. If you’re thinking about filing a Supplemental Claim, that means […]

Dependency and Indemnity Compensation: The Invisible VA Benefit

Dependency and Indemnity Compensation: The Invisible VA Benefit Dependency and Indemnity Compensation: The Invisible VA Benefit american army back view 356842

In this post, we’re talking about dependency and indemnity compensation. Why should I apply? 100% Permanent and Total Disability, or 100 p&t, this is one of the most unknown and overlooked exclusive VA benefits. Most of the 100% P&T Veterans only take advantage of the disability, based on the current stage of life they’re in. […]

2019 VA Disability Compensation Payment Dates

2019 VA Disability Compensation Payment Dates 2019 VA Disability Compensation Payment Dates 2019 VA Disability Compensation Payment Dates

Hi Veterans, Brian Reese here from VA Claims Insider! One of the questions I get asked all the time is this: “Brian, I got my new VA disability rating thanks to you and your team. Do you know when I will start getting paid?” Awe, very good question, and an important one for disabled veterans […]

Migraine headache claims, why are they difficult to win?

Migraine headache claims, why are they difficult to win? can migraines be disabilities

Hey Veterans! Brian Reese here, Your VA Claims Insider. Are you having some Migraine Headache issues? Let’s walk through together how you can file for a VA Claim for Migraines! What is a Migraine headache claim? Let’s start by exampling what a Migraine Headache is and if you experience them! Migraine Headaches are intense and […]

The Transition From eBenefits to VA.GOV

The Transition From eBenefits to VA.GOV The Transition From eBenefits to VA.GOV Screen Shot 2019 05 31 at 2.52.04 PM

When you login to eBenefits, the VA is highly encouraging all veterans to file a claim on the VA.Gov website. For those of us who frequent this website on a regular basis, we can all agree that the system has its flaws. However, we work with what we have and make the best of it. […]

Why do I need a NEXUS letter?

Why do I need a NEXUS letter? Why do I need a NEXUS letter? activity analytics business plan 401683

One of the significant reasons why a disability claim is denied is because of the inability to prove that the medical condition was caused or made worse by the veteran’s time in service. When filing for your VA Disability claim, the NEXUS is essentially your link between your newfound health condition and your time in […]

What to do if I get a bad C&P Exam?

What to do if I get a bad C&P Exam? What to do if I get a bad C&P Exam? education exam hand 249360

Have you had a bad C&P exam? Maybe you were not prepared, or perhaps you had a bad C&P examiner. Whatever the reason there are some steps you can take to minimize the stress and anxiety of thinking, “this is it, it is over!” The exam can affect the final outcome of my claim; however, […]

VA Disability Calculator Helps You

VA Disability Calculator Helps You VA Disability Calculator Helps You Screen Shot 2019 04 19 at 10.06.41 AM

Did you know that VA Claims Insider has a calculator to help you decipher what your VA Disability rating is intended to be? This feature, which is available on our app, is a great asset for gathering an estimate on your compensation rating. What is a Military Disability Rating? A “Military Disability Rating” refers to […]

How to Prove Your PTSD Non-Combat Stressor

How to Prove Your PTSD Non-Combat Stressor How to Prove Your PTSD Non-Combat Stressor PTSD Non Combat Claims

Recently at VA Claims Insider we’ve seen a string of non-combat PTSD denials because the veteran “failed to corroborate that the veteran was actually present and witnessed the non-combat PTSD event.” For example, a Navy veteran had (1) A medical diagnosis of PTSD and was seeking treatment, (2) A personal statement (lay statement) in support […]