Category: Uncategorized

Is a Buddy Letter Important?

Is a Buddy Letter Important? Is a Buddy Letter Important? DO I NEED A BUDDY LETTER

You’ve heard me talk a lot about the importance of “Statements in Support of A Claim” as well as “Buddy Letters.” The VA raters take them very seriously, and read every word when evaluating your claim.  Sadly, many veterans seeking service-connected compensation benefits from the VA are not aware of their importance. These statements are […]

What is a Buddy Letter?

What is a Buddy Letter? What is a Buddy Letter? letter handwriting family letters written 51159

You’ve heard me talk a lot about the importance of “Statements in Support of A Claim” as well as “Buddy Letters.” The VA raters take them very seriously, and read every word when evaluating your claim.  Sadly, many veterans seeking service-connected compensation benefits from the VA are not aware of their importance. These statements can […]

Benefits for Blue Water Vets

Benefits for Blue Water Vets Benefits for Blue Water Vets shaah shahidh subrrYxv8A unsplash

Have you ever met a Navy Veteran who served off the shores of Vietnam who worked on the flight deck of a Navy Vessel during the late ’60s and early ’70s and was exposed to the Dioxin Herbicide?  Would you believe the Navy Veteran has several life-threatening presumptive conditions due to dioxin exposure and only […]

Life Impact, what you didn’t know you needed to win your VA Claim

Life Impact, what you didn’t know you needed to win your VA Claim Life Impact, what you didn't know you needed to win your VA Claim jessica radanavong 0ZkAINlmtOs unsplash

In this blog, we are going to discuss why it is crucial to be able to explain to the VA how your disability impacts your life. It is not enough to have a disability; the VA needs to know specifically how it affects your life. Proving the life impact of your disability is incredibility important to […]

VA Disability PTSD Facts

VA Disability PTSD Facts VA Disability PTSD Facts freestocks org 126848 unsplash

In this blog, we will discuss PTSD facts; including what PTSD is, its diagnosis, risk factors, treatment, stats, and everything else you need to know. The American Psychiatric Associations (APA) defines PTSD as “the psychiatric disorder that can occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, a […]

What do I need to do AFTER winning my VA Claim?

What do I need to do AFTER winning my VA Claim? What do I need to do AFTER winning my VA Claim? aaron burden 123584 unsplash 2

After years of working on a process on your disability claim, you now got the award letter in the mail. That would be one of the great news every veteran receives. Congratulations! You’ve won your VA Claim! However, what exactly you need to consider after you won your claim?  Be sure to enroll in direct […]

VA Rating for Sciatica: How to File a VA Claim for Sciatica

VA Rating for Sciatica: How to File a VA Claim for Sciatica VA Rating for Sciatica: How to File a VA Claim for Sciatica Sciata VA Rating

In this post, we will explore the VA ratings for Sciatica as well as how to file a VA claim for Sciatica. Back injuries and various musculoskeletal injuries, which can lead to Sciatica, or severe radiating pain, are quite common for military veterans and when they are severe, they can make life nearly impossible. Sciatica […]

Veterans with Service Dogs pt 2

Veterans with Service Dogs pt 2 Veterans with Service Dogs pt 2 IMG 5650 1

In my last blog, Veterans with PTSD and service dogs, I discussed what service dogs are and how service dogs can help Veterans with mental health conditions. In this continuation, the question of who qualifies for a service dog and how to apply for a service dog will be discussed. According to Americans with Disability […]

How can I WIN my VA Disability Claim?

How can I WIN my VA Disability Claim? How can I WIN my VA Disability Claim? mari helin 38313 unsplash 1

We all know veterans who file for a PTSD VA disability benefits and are not awarded anywhere near what they deserve. Maybe this is your case! Or maybe you are frustrated because you provided all the documents, filled out the forms, and are just confused as to why they did not get the claim they […]