Why Are DBQ’s Important?

Why Are DBQ’s Important? administration agreement blur 261625

How many of you had never heard of the term DBQ before filing for your VA claim? Or maybe you sat around for years hoping your VA claim would just be done out of thin air. Once I finally found the courage to fire off a claim, I did so without any guidance.

What are DBQ’s? You might ask. Well, DBQ stands for Disability Benefits Questionnaire. The DBQ is a questionnaire that asks you specific questions about a ratable condition that you are seeking compensation for. They were created to streamline the process of your claim. It offers the most relevant information about your conditions that can be provided.  These are filled out by your health care provider, or they are filled out during your C&P exam.

Examples of questions asked on the questionnaire:

  • Diagnosis of the condition
  • The past and current medication being taken for the condition
  • Findings, Signs, and Symptoms
  • Functional Impact of the condition

Now, the truth of the matter is you don’t need to prepare a DBQ for all the conditions that you are filing for because the C&P examiner will fill out one during that time. If you have medical documentation from your in-service records and you are currently being seen for the condition, then you warrant on at the C&P.

On the other side if you are having trouble with a particular condition and you have only buddy letters and current diagnosis, then you may want to ask your Primary Care doctor to fill out one. DBQs are also EXTREMELY helpful for Fully Developed Claims (FDC).

Don’t be SHOCKED that your health care WILL NOT fill out your DBQ. The reality is that some of them have never heard of it and they may have a hard time understanding why you may need it. It is one of the biggest hurdles for us Veterans to get over. The reality is some people who are supposed to help us fail to realize its importance to your claim. You may get lucky to live in a Vet-friendly, area but if you don’t, a DBQ may be a foreign and scary document for a provider.

The DBQ functions as the “road map” to your condition. It can make or break your claim because if it is not filled out correctly then the VA Rater could say that you’re not entitled to compensation. It is always best that you seek the assistance of a Veteran Coach for the best options.

Overall, DBQ’s are extremely important to your claim and a valuable asset to prove your service connection or NEXUS. Do not submit a claim without including DBQs for necessary conditions!